The checklist dilemma

Sometimes we need a break.


Do nothing.


No action.

No plan.

No list.

Or maybe it only happens to me?


In any case, I’m planning to write less about photography for the time being.

I’ve started a new path.

The action presented itself. Unexpectedly. Unplanned. Thrilling nevertheless.

Back to being a beginner. In class with a bunch of  art students finding their way too.

My last drawing is of a box where I keep my wishes:

Things I’d like to do in my life. How I want to feel. How I want to be.

Nothing too detailed or measurable.

Dreams feel better when they happen  (like my new course) unexpectedly, out of the blue.

Without a checklist of goals, actions, detailed steps and strategies.

I’ll let you know how it goes.

Thanks for reading this.

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