
I haven’t updated this blog for a short while and I have noticed I feel silly when sharing updates of my recent work (remember my art course?) on social media.

Social media for me often feels so … impersonal? Ephemeral?

Maybe I just don’t feel my posts ‘fit in’ among so many others from so many other people.

We live in a fast-paced world and social media reflects that.

My posts, hopefully, don’t.


So, for those out there who may be curious about my doodles, here they are.

(To save you from overwhelm I chose just a few: feel free to click on them if you want to see some more from the same class)

This evolved from a drawing of a cup I had made at a different class.
This is a model I made of an outdoor space. I went all out with the editing afterwards.
This was an exercise on pattern. I decided to use colours on them afterwards
This was an exercise on mixing colours and learning about their properties.

Nothing too fancy to show yet, but it feels great to be learning.

Thanks for reading!

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