Art foundation work (Term1)

Each image below shows work done during one class session of my Art and Design Foundation course.

Clicking any image will open a link to other work done on the same session.



Art -063541603113D. Creating a sculpture capable of moving3D. Visit to museums, drawing joints in machines and nature. Art blue bowl-06404160314

2D. Quick drawings using different lines. 2D. Creating volume with shading. 2D. Experimenting with different media and materials. 2D using lines and shapes to convey concepts2D. Perspective2D. Desecrating a bookArt -06132160225Art -06170160302   

Life drawing. Day 1. Art -06104160225Art -06235160303Art-06401160313Art portfolio06421160319

*And these are links to works I did in Term 2, Term 3 and Term 4







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