Farewell subscribers

Farewell subscribers


I recently decided to stop sending newsletters to my subscribers and simply share what I want to say here, on my blog. 

I started writing newsletters a few years back, following advice from different sources (business bloggers, coaches, experts etc) about start-up businesses, about photography, about all the bells and whistles I should put in place in order to improve my chances of success in business.

That was a long time ago, and it feels almost unreal now. Many of the things I set off to do gradually lost their appeal. Some of them lost their appeal immediately. Others, however, I kept doing because I thought they were important or because I liked them.

One of the things I kept, alongside my blog, was my newsletters. I liked sharing my thoughts with a few self-selected readers.

At the beginning I’d send them updates about my progress, my involvement in local events, promotions, networking events.

As time passed I started to notice the plans and the reality were going different ways, I was spending too much time and money on things that didn’t work out. I quit the business.

I decided, however, to keep writing.

The photography business journey was replaced by a journey into art and related topics, such as feminism.

Recently I realised that I no longer want to duplicate my work. I don’t want to share the same blog posts twice, on my website and on my newsletters. Besides, I no longer care about statistics on my newsletters: I don’t want to keep a list of people who read me. I don’t need to keep track of who they are. I don’t give a hoot if they are predisposed to buying anything from me.

I don’t even care if I write regularly or not, or about the topics fitting in an orderly way from one post to the next.

I had started to feel self-conscious about sending emails people might find random, newsletters that had nothing to do with the main reason they signed up.

If I write on my website I don’t need to care whether people welcome my messages or not.

I don’t care if you read me.

I don’t care if you approve.

I don’t care if you will recommend me to a friend.

You are not my subscriber, you are free to read whatever you want to read, whenever you want to read it.


Thank you for reading this.



Ah, y otro motivo para dejar de mandar correos a suscriptores es que puedo hablar en el idioma que me dé la gana, no me siento limitada a tener que hablar en inglés, o a tener que mantener un tono de negocios, o a tener que limitarme a ciertos temas y no otros. Me ha dado por interesarme en temas que desconocía, y me apetece compartir lo que estoy aprendiendo. Estáis avisados, este blog va a ser un proyecto personal y no le va a importar demasiado que me lea el mundo  anglosajón ni el mundo de habla hispana. El que quiera leerme que me lea.

Y cuando digo ‘el mundo’, quiero decir dos gatos. Que no se diga que me doy aires de grandeza como si fuera un personaje político.



Gracias por leerme.


PD: Mil disculpas si el traductor se salta algún acento: mi teclado es anglosajón y las tildes y yo hemos perdido relación en los últimos años (Thank goodness for internet translators)

PS: If you still want to get updates with my blog posts you can click on the syndication button at the top of the page.




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