Quick sketches. Why?
Bridge and pub, Penge

Quick sketches. Why?

Hello again;


Some days I sketch quickly. Maybe because I don’t have much time, or because I haven’t drawn for a couple of days and I want to warm up before spending time on a drawing.

I consider those rushed sketches valuable because they train me to notice subjects I may revisit in future. (más…)

On sharing
2017, watercolour pencils

On sharing

Hello again;

I heard David Shrigley on one of his videos offer advice on how to select works for an exhibition: “show work that you like, so at least one person likes it

Wise words.

These are some sketches (old and new) I did in my bedroom. (más…)

Bathroom sink
bathroom sink sketch

Bathroom sink

Hello again;

bathroom sink sketch

I’ve been working on a few experiments with watercolours lately and I was planning to share them soon. However, life’s been busy and they’ll have to wait until I get some more works finished. (más…)


Feminist books


kitchen sketches video (unrelated to the post, or maybe not)

I recently read a stupid comment by some celebrity and it made me realise I had a debt with my readers. I had promised I’d talk about  issues I explored as part of research for my major project.

I’m not ready to discuss the issues yet. But I can make a start by sharing some of the book titles, so you have a chance to check them and know what they are about. (más…)


Lounge sketches

Hello again;

I don’t have much to share today. But I have been looking at my drawings, noticing how my collection is growing.

I thought it would be fun to make a video with some of them.

Before you watch it beware:


Sketches in London
Theatre Royal detail

Sketches in London

Hello again;

I’m running out of ideas regarding what to call these posts. I feel tempted to call them by date.

For now I’ll call this one by its content: sketches in London. Most of the images are in Central London and others in more remote parts.

I enjoyed using my brush pen to make quick drawings in recent months. I’ve now moved to using a fine pen, with loose strokes to speed up the process. I’m also using colour, revisiting some previous locations and drawing them differently. (más…)

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