Feminismo en lonchas

Hola otra vez;

Creo que me he metido en una tarea que me desborda: mi plan de hacer algunos artículos reflexionando sobre mis lecturas feministas cada vez contiene más capítulos. Cada vez que leo algún libro nuevo encuentro nuevos temas que explorar o nuevas explicaciones a problemas que me intrigaron durante años. Incluso he descubierto relaciones en temas que ni por asomo me parecían conectados con el feminismo.



Los peligros de leer…


Los peligros de leer libros poco recomendables


Los libros poco recomendables podrían causar efectos indeseables (indeseables para la cultura dominante, para el patriarcado, para las multinacionales, para la armonía familiar, las relaciones sociales etc) en gente de cierta disposición.

Por ejemplo, y comparando mi época de estudiante (antes de venirme a Londres y de que Internet dominase nuestras culturas) con mi forma de pensar actual los efectos que he notado son: (más…)


Shameful feminists

Racist white feminists

Hi again;

As you know, I’ve set myself the task of learning about feminism. This post is part of my quest.

I’ve found that many of the early white feminists were also… racists.

Shame on them, of course… but maybe we could talk about their circumstances. (más…)


I was robbed

It happened many years ago.

I didn’t realize it at the time; it didn’t look like theft.

I was on my prep course before university. Our history of philosophy teacher asked us at the beginning of the year:

«Would you like to study the subject  in its entirety… or would you prefer to focus on the first part instead and choose that option at the test?» (más…)


Feminist books


kitchen sketches video (unrelated to the post, or maybe not)

I recently read a stupid comment by some celebrity and it made me realise I had a debt with my readers. I had promised I’d talk about  issues I explored as part of research for my major project.

I’m not ready to discuss the issues yet. But I can make a start by sharing some of the book titles, so you have a chance to check them and know what they are about. (más…)

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